Welcome Gentle Readers

This blog tends to wander from its main purpose -- updates on my fiction. I do have updates and excerpts of my work. But I also write about my obsessions -- food, friends and pop culture and my weird life in Los Angeles. Enjoy!

Monday, April 03, 2006

How To Own a Hunk

One of the by-products of writing fiction with b&d themes, is getting the occasional request to give a spanking, truss up or otherwise abusive some willing male. Naturally, it is assumed that because I write it, I must be running around in a corset and spiked heels every day. For the record, both corsets and spiked heels make me very cranky and not in the fun way. And I cannot accept sex slaves via the net. However, if a member of the Paris Rugby team wants to kneel at my feet, I'll never refuse. Though I do more than dabble in the lifestyle. I have found a happy medium in letting my inner Mistress spice up my life as it does my fiction.

The question remains: how does a woman get a man tied up for her pleasure? Can she get a hunky man to submit to her will? My heroine in The Gift Surrender had incredible looks and a wonderful spirit to attract and ensnare her Prince. In The Price of Surrender, the hero is surrendering the pursuit of political power for the trust and love of his Princess. Having these beautiful men the way they want them is relatively easy for them (if you don't count the assassins and betrayals and an otherworldly beast). Can a woman that isn't heir to a throne wield the same power over a man? I say, of course.

<>It takes a confident gal who enjoys a thorough romp in the hay. To quote Princess Sarianna, you have to know what your about. Any woman who is sure of herself and enjoys the attention of men can get him on his knees or bent over hers. It is a rare man that doesn't enjoy a woman pursuing intimacy. [Small caveat, you must establish that there is a mutual attraction before pursuing anything.] So a Mistress should be comfortable and confident and sexy in her own skin. A Mistress pays attention to herself and makes herself feel good. My Princesses are beautiful not just because of genetics but also because they take care of themselves. When a Mistress has a male she wishes to ensnare, she learns him well in every aspect of his life. Most times, they never ask him about sex. Once the homework is done, the seduction is easy.

<>Now, if you aren't ready for wrangling your own l'il darlin (I'll give a free pdf of The Gift of Surrender who gets that reference), you can always enjoy the vicarious thrill of retraining the beautiful men in the novel. You can order them anytime by visiting:
http://sybpress.com/titles.htm#Surrender for a link to Amazon.com

For a look at the Paris Rugby team in Dieux de Stade:



jennyowl said...
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jennyowl said...

Is it from the broadway show Texas Lil' Darlin'?

Anonymous said...

Is it from Brokeback Mountain?
