Welcome Gentle Readers

This blog tends to wander from its main purpose -- updates on my fiction. I do have updates and excerpts of my work. But I also write about my obsessions -- food, friends and pop culture and my weird life in Los Angeles. Enjoy!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Big Updates and Bizarre Conversations

Warning: If you find yourself here via a google search for such things as TV shows or films, recipes or cities, this blog has some facts. However, this blog is one author’s very twisted musing on many weird things. It is sometimes graphic in content. If you read on, don’t write to yell at me.

I hardly know where to begin. It has been a wild week full of exciting highs and lows and some really strange conversations. This week hasn’t been a matter of wearing a lot of hats. I’m not doing half a dozen different tasks, I’m juggling a lot of writing projects with their supporting documentation at the same time. It’s more like being a Hydra, and I’m just as cranky at times.

The Gunslinger and Hidden Passions Update

The jitters over the possibility of a Screen Actors Guild strike or walk out has impacted every level of the industry here. My partner’s actor clients have largely bugged out of the city to visit family. This is the beginning of the TV season, shooting wise. One doesn’t take off at this time typically. Big budget films have been stalled awaiting the outcome of the negotiations. And, now it’s impacted us. The Gunslinger backers want to wait until we know what will be happening with the Guild. We can’t really blame them. On the up side, I really wasn’t looking forward to working in triple digit heat. And I got the same feeling from our cast. I’ll make an announcement when we have a firm date. But don’t despair, and keep checking this page. The Hidden Passion cast will turn up in a feature by us soon. So stay tuned.

Meanwhile, I’ve been asked about the film based on The Gift of Surrender. I am working on that as well. I’ve just finished re-reading the novel in preparation of writing the script. The film version presents a number of problems that we need to solve involving locations and Special FX. I know what scenes I absolutely have to have in the film. Now, we have to figure out if there are reasonably priced solutions to those issues in LA or would we have to film in Europe where there are real castles to be had. We’ll still do a trailer between now and the fall. Stay tuned for that as well.

Soldier’s Update

The print version of A Soldier’s Fate is in limbo for a little while longer. Sybaritic Press has changed distributors and it has not gone as smoothly as I’d like. But it is proceeding. It should be live on Amazon.com soon. Meanwhile, I’ve been working on the pitch for Blood Oath, the live action version of the Soldier’s novels. I decided on Blood Oath, because that’s essential what they do when they become soldiers and that they become what they are because of their blood. The books have a whole lot of action that requires wire work and Special FX. We know that the series will not have the budget to go all out. But there are solutions that will look cool and credible and use elements of the origins of the books – Manga and Anime. Rik and Vincent have a whole lot of backstory before the beginning of Soldier’s Choice that has to be covered in a show for it to make sense. We decided to take a cue from the Spiderman films and use comic-ized versions of our leads in a Manga style page to tell their origin stories. We really liked how this technique was used in The Full Metal Alchemist to tell the storylines of all the main characters in 52 episodes in a minute and 45 second. We’ll likely use this style for closing credits and linking action scenes with the drama. We also want a very funky soundtrack like those used in anime series. I got to see Matt Ferraro, our Vincent Greven, this weekend. Jon noticed that he really is built like and anime character, slender and sleekly muscular. I wish my photos could show his big beautiful eyes. He’s looking forward to the part and I’m looking forward to seeing him in it. We will be meeting an actor who has the look I want for Rik Heron. Stay tuned.

The Big Film Update

The full budget feature film is moving along. We seem to have submitted all the documents correctly. We’re awaiting word on when a countdown to pre-production will begin. That’s been unnerving. Most of what we’re working on would have to be put on the back burner in favor of doing a re-write of the original script. We haven’t worked on it since the first draft was finished six years ago. And before anything can be finalized cast-wise, we need a new version. We also have to plan for a film related travel that we have no firm dates for departure. All of this upheaval and suspense makes being a Hydra difficult. I’m investing a lot of energy and time into development of these other projects, it will be a lurch to stop abruptly and focus solely on the script. I’m close to finishing the pitches for the TV shows, so I will do that meeting. We can’t ignore the opportunity. But all of this head switching is making us very tired. And yes, we still have the day jobs. Still, this is a very exciting undertaking. Despite the roller coaster, we’re jazzed about the prospect.


These are some snippets of conversations that are biz related or friend related. I spent an afternoon with a bunch of actors yesterday and had long chats with my more colorful friends. Please note, that having these conversations does not mean that I approve of any of the behavior.

“No I don’t have any lifeguard shifts this summer. The Y frowns on thrusting kids out of the pool onto concrete from below while rescuing them.”

“Yeah, hookers don’t like when you want to examine their mouths with a flashlight, but if they want that ten bucks, they deal with it.”

“But why do you have a Captain Cook costume?”

“I’m getting the yearly physicals, but it’s mainly for STDs. Hate them though. They always want to shove something up my colon.”

“I have a check filled out for the county court with orders to just fill in the bail amount. Not that I’m expecting any problems.”

“Yeah, we’ll need a line item in the budget for graft, but I got a guy with connections in case of real problems.”

“Don’t worry, the part makes sure that he’ll be shirtless.”

“I don’t think it’s possible to Photoshop just David Duchovney’s ass in that show.”

“They should send assassins after Michael Bay’s hateful dogs.”

“And that’s when I found out that Lawrence Hilton-Jacobs and I were doing the same chick.”

I’m exhausted. Up next week, I’m having a gathering of the Border’s Third Street Promenade posse. There may be clips of Conversations with Craig.

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