Welcome Gentle Readers

This blog tends to wander from its main purpose -- updates on my fiction. I do have updates and excerpts of my work. But I also write about my obsessions -- food, friends and pop culture and my weird life in Los Angeles. Enjoy!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Chemo, Scirpts and the Tao of Deb

It's been a yin and yang kind of week. On the one hand, I have to have regular chemo after all. Nothing new has been diagnosed. This is purely precautionary. It's just a little daunting. On the other hand, some wonderful things have been happening with pitches. We have a very promising meeting for a gig that would mean a great deal to our careers and out bottom line this week. Naturally, I can't say anything about it. This bit of good news helped mitigate the other news and reminded me that I can't let myself be daunted for too long. I can't afford to be daunted for many reasons – financially, emotionally and physically. And this opportunity offers much of what I had hoped for with our screenplay writing. So with the yin and the yang in my life of late, please think good thoughts.

I had hoped to do a full blog. Aside from the various life altering news, we started shooting that fitness pilot. Oh, the stories we have to tell. But aside from the fact that she shoot is not over (we have another day on Tuesday), I am exhausted on a lot of levels. I'll have a lot more news next week including the progress on the promotional trailer editing.

Stay tuned.

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